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Lot No: 71036
Germination: 90%
Test Date: 05/24
Plant your bush bean seeds outdoors directly in the garden after your last frost date. For a quicker start, you can soak your seeds 1 to 4 hours in warm water. If you soak the seeds too long, they will split or rot and will not germinate! Germination is improved when soil temperature is above 65 F. Plant in 2 to 3 weeks intervals for a steady harvest until about 3 months before first killing frost in the fall. Plants can grow 12 to 24" tall.
Warning: Do not plant in cold wet soil or you may experience poor germination!
Requires rich fertile soil in a well drained location in the garden. Apply much and grass clippings, or straw around base of plant.
Beans do not like soil that is too moist. Water during dry and hot spells.
Use RootBlast, Vegetable Alive, and Slow Release Fertilizer when transplanting outdoors. Periodically apply Miracle Gro.
Pinch or cut the pods off carefully to avoid damaging the plant. Pick every few days for tender beans. Frequent harvesting also encourages plant to produce more pods.
Days to Harvest after Planting Outdoors: 50 to 65 days
Use Miracle-Gro© Seed Starting Mix for best germination results.
Type: Virus - Potyvirus
Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus is a disease that affects the growth of peas. It is primarily found in Northeastern parts of the United States (New York), Europe, and the Middle East. Symptoms include bright yellow to green mosaic, leaf malformation, and leaf mottling, down cupping and wrinkling of leaves. Often bright yellow spots appear on the leaves. There may be severe stunting of the plants, and sometimes death of plants. The virus can cause substantial crop loss. The virus is transmitted by aphids and is not transmitted by seeds. The virus survives for long periods in infected alfalfa and weeds. Mild winter temperatures favor survival of the virus, thus the disease can be greater the following spring. The infected plants should be removed and burned to avoid further infestation. Plan on using a 3 year crop rotation and avoid planting in the same location, year after year. Insecticides for aphids can control the disease. The best option is to use disease resistant varieties.